dina scelzo

dina scelzo

Sobre el Artista

My name is Anid Dina Scelzo is a Lucan painter of burgentina origin , was born in Potenza in January 1978 and lives in Marsico Nuovo in the province of PZ . Linked to the drawing since childhood ... In his visual research , develops a creative path from the diverse and experimental language , preferring the figurative form . Now freely he portrays what it perceives , his is a conceptual painting , often autobiographical , He loves to use symbols to create works that lay bare one's being , hidden behind a combination of shapes and colors . He exhibited his works in solo and group exhibitions , receiving admiration and interest among art critics . E ' was and is a volunteer coordinator of artistic backgrounds and children with disabilities and manuals . my works shop ---> http://www.gigarte.com/dinascelzo/negozio jiie@live.it