Leora Eger dreyfuss

Leora Eger dreyfuss

Sobre el Artista

Born and living in Haifa. Education: BA Design, “Bezalel” Art and Design Academy Jerusalem. M.Sc. Communication, Clark University Worcester, USA. PhD. Phil. (Health Communication), University of Liverpool, GB. Member of the Association of Painters and Sculptors in Israel. Member of PPA- Professional Photographers of America. Realistic photographer in color. A style, that focuses on looking at reality, with the desire to capture and freeze the passing moment. Searching to combine and balance between an objective description and watching reality from a personal and emotional stand. Her photography exhibits the complex, exciting and mysterious world in which we are living. It is a mix of sharp vision, technical knowledge and vividness. The color serves a double role- to convey reality and as a tool that expresses emotions. Color as a language, in which every combination, splash and tone bear a meaning. I photograph a wide range of topics: human relations and portraits, dance, still life, scenery and environment, nature and animals. I exhibited twenty solo exhibitions and participated in over a hundred and forty group exhibitions in Israel and overseas.