Tatjana Blinja

Tatjana Blinja

Sobre el Artista

I was born in Zagreb, Croatia. I graduated from the University of Zagreb with a degree in Bachelor of Arts with a Specialization in Technology of Textile and Clothing Design, as well as a degree from the School of Applied Arts. I exhibited artwork in galleries in Toronto, USA, South America and Europe. Being trained in traditional weaving and textile methods was a big influence for me as an artist. I am an explorer of techniques and textures and I strive to break traditional boundaries and rules. My focus has been on developing my own approach. The last two years have taken my art in a few different directions, from tapestry to painting and sculptures. It’s been incredibly rewarding as an artist to work with variety of mediums. The traditional heritage and techniques will always have a big influence on my work, but learning new techniques and expanding my expression as an artist is detrimental to me. https://www.byangel4.com