tom stanford

tom stanford

Sobre el Artista

Tom Stanford mcka Tom E Ta 2 my work is called Subtractionalism. I paint o/c w over 2000 paintings on hand, I sculpt in large wooden format always using only one piece of usually large pine logs. many are over 5 feet, and colored with tinted varnishes or a few r solid enamel paints. Subtractionalism (my) creation, is a mix of mystery and imagination. I don't really use a ton of words to describe my work, I just do it, though nothing else in life mattered... My prints, about 25 in all, with runs numbering less than two hundred. these are large 18 x 24, lino cuts. Again expressing all that I have subtracted from the images. My drawings are in the thousands and all Subtractionalist works, that is, outside of some portraits and realistic to you, works (all types, paint, sculpt, prints drawings etc.) My website for your viewing pleasure is or Simple to navigate much to see. I am self schooled and the inspired imagination is all I work from. Over this past Christmas, I created a book, with 1300 images of my work, not complete by any sense, but youll get more than the flavor of Subtractionalism, by looking. physically the book is immence, 11 x 17 with fine wooden cover, so I have the entire book scanned onto a usb (s) for gallery distribution,. or serious parties. Ladybirds gallery, is really my studio, named for my sacred pit bull Lady, now gone to rest,. I am looking for galleries now, to take my work on, and also go for shows et al. I am 65 years young, have heavy Schitzophrenia (?)complexities, but am able to produce in great efforts a quantity of material. for over 35 years now my work has been accumulating and growing stronger,or better ? I would add. I have decided now is the time to Come Forth with my creations for all to see/ ponder, and maybe take one home. I have a few thousand smaller works in color so all are able to participate in SUBTRACTIONALISM, without going or settling for reproductions .I think everybody should own the creators hand touched work. In addition to the drawings I have many portraits signed by the imaged person, .Allen Ginsburg, Mother Teresa, a few presidents, singers song writers Country and Rock, I Love the fact that are signed and that my person has seen my efforts to capture a shot at what they look like and mean to me personally. that part is just fun. Well?? that's Toms tale, please poke around the site, ENJOY. thank you.....Tom E ta 2.