Claire Jones (Claire4Clarity)

Claire Jones (Claire4Clarity)

Sobre el Artista

Contact: Website: More photos at: Instagram: Twitter: @HipClarity Facebook: LinkedIn: Read Claire's story: Claire Jones (Claire4Clarity) is a 53 year old female writer and artist. Most know her as Cheryl Gittens-Jones, but she utilizes her middle and marriage names to reflect many recent and major life changes. Using Claire Jones allows her to express the deep, positive and revolutionary changes that have taken place in her life. The name Claire means bright or clear. A high school dropout, Claire left her home country of Barbados to make her dreams come true. However, a childhood history of domestic violence impeded every step. The deep, internal traumas of Claire’s past had a bipolar effect on her life at every turn. Nevertheless, she kept the light burning within. This drive and determination allowed Claire to complete a GED course while struggling as a new immigrant. Her persistence eventually paid off when she was awarded a Frances Perkins Scholarship at Mount Holyoke College realizing the first major step in her goal to become a writer/artist. Claire became a USA Permanent Resident in 2002. Claire came a long way from those difficult times, but confronted the challenge of her life years after graduation. One year ago Claire learned she was at risk for Multiple Myeloma and was forced to face her mortality. This is a rare condition of the blood where some white blood cells in the bone can turn cancerous. Since then she has fought against it to achieve her goal of sharing art and writing with the world. Overwhelmed by the many dramatic changes, she compiled a spontaneous, online journal of inspirational writings and photo paintings starting January 2016 . It was her way of dealing with a self-imposed isolation after the traumatic diagnosis. A spiritual vision in the throes of her darkest moments inspired Claire to take photos of the sun at various angles and things unfolded from there. “ClarityIsJustSoHip”, a collection of digital photo paintings, was born from those dark and difficult days. Claire’s story is about much pain and suffering, however, through the chaos and dysfunction, she has arrived at a place of clarity. She intends to use these photos as a vehicle of positivity to share her journey and to help those in similar situations. In the coming months, Claire hopes to publish her story about her search for clarity. She plans sell her line of unique designs via an online store. She is a homeschooling homemaker who resides in New Hampshire with her husband, teen daughter and precocious parakeet Vaniety. Claire is a graduate of Mount Holyoke College, class of 1999. ARTIST STATEMENT “…With forgiveness, your victim identity dissolves, and your true power emerges – the power of presence. Instead of blaming the darkness you bring in the light.”” ~ Eckhart Tolle “ClarityIsJustSoHip!” is a collection of photos inspired by the New Hampshire sun. I was forced to face my mortality in late 2015 after learning of a serious health diagnosis. One morning, during the early days of my diagnosis, I stood at my back door gazing at the morning sun. I was promoted from within to look deeply at the golden orb. Thinking the idea was a bit crazy, I reluctantly complied and everything changed instantaneously. Unexpectedly, the sky exploded in multi-hues of brilliant yellows, which emanated directly from the sun and danced across the landscape for an indeterminate amount of time. They danced into my home and exploded upon my altar, causing the flames from freshly lit candles to expand and glow with the same sun-yellow in the sky. Suddenly, I felt an amazing energy and heat surging through my body, which went on for days afterwards. Since that day I feel compelled to take pictures of the New Hampshire sun at various stages. When walking in nature I continue to occasionally see a 'sun angel' (a name I gave the dancing yellow shapes). I had no idea what this experience meant,until months later, I realized I had amassed a huge collection of unique, digital, photo paintings. “ClarityIsJustSoHip!” Is extremely instrumental in my recovery. I hope this collection of photos will help to bring inspiration, healing, comfort and hope to those who are walking the path to recovery, deep, inner healing and transformation.