Sobre el Artista

"The challenge is to know when to stop and let the medium take over. That’s why the most successful paintings seem almost effortless," Joe asserts. "I always look forward to interacting with art patrons and other artists to give feedback about the creative process and affirm that visual expression is one of the great joys in life.” Joe Cibere is a signature member of the National Watercolor Society. His painting style and art demonstrates his love of nature and wilderness. His "abstract realism" paintings integrate strong design and balance with a sense of illusion and have appeared in "Watercolor Magazine" and in the International Artists book "The Watercolor Sky and Cloud Techniques of 23 International Artists". His work is also part of both corporate and private collections. He has taught at the California Art Institute in Westlake Village, CA. and is currently teaching at Studio Channel Islands in Camarillo, CA. He has been a guest demonstrator and juror at several watercolor art organizations and conducts workshops and classes on watercolor technique throughout the year.