Dries Ketels

Dries Ketels

Sobre el Artista

Selection of previous Prises/honourable mentions: 1st prize poëziewedstrijd Harelbeke (prize) 2015 (With additional publication – “Lees me voor uit je borsten”) 1st Prize ‘TUUËBETEGOARE’, visual art competition 2015 1st Prize from the ‘Epilepsie Liga’, visual art competition 2015 8th place in ‘painting of the year 2015’ (Belgium), visual art competition runner up in Splash 17?, international painting competition 2015 4th prize poëziewedstrijd Harelbeke 2016 One of the selected artists in the celesteprize 2014 (selection) Honourable mention in the Poemtata poëziewedstrijd 2014 (with additional publication – “Verdwalen in het bet van alpha”) 4th place/ honourable mention SOET 2014 5th place/ honourable mention Poëziewedstrijd De Scriptomanen 2014 (with additional publication and ebook – “De Schuilkelders van de poëzie”) Finalist in ‘het leven als lijtmotief’ 2015 Honourable mention in poetry competition ‘YoungPoets 2016’ Selection of recent Exhibitions: – Chie art Gallery (Milan, Italy)) Oktober 2014 – Museo Marte (Campania, Italy) November 2014 – Marzia Frozen Gallery (Berlin, Germany) September 2014 – Juried exhibition ‘ARNOEVOO’ (Bredene, Belgium) 2015 – Juried exhibition ‘TUUËBETEGOARE’ (Zomergem, Belgium) 2015 – Juried exhibition ‘Painting of the year’ CODA Museum (Apeldoorn, Netherlands) 2016 Selection of most recent Publications: ‘international contemporary artists 2015’ ART04 Magazine 2016 Beautiful Decay Magazine 2015 (online publication) Illusion 360 scene Magazine 2015 (online publication) Epikrant 2015 (magazine) Illusion 360 scene Magazine 2016 (online publication)