Helena Wierzbicki

Helena Wierzbicki

Sobre el Artista

Helena Wierzbicki, Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Studied with the Argentine masters Luis Barragan and Elio Eros Vitali. Participated in several Art shows locally and abroad. Many exhibitions in Buenos Aires, Argentina as: Asociacion Estimulo de Bellas Artes SAAP, "Sociedad Argentina de Artistas Plasticos" - Salon de Arte actual, Museo Sivori, Recoleta Cultural Center Bienal de Pintura, Centro Universitario de Villa Ballester Asociacion Gente de Arte de Avellaneda Biblioteca Popular "Bernardino Rivadavia" SAPI - Sociedad de Artistas Plasticos Independientes Museo Roca, Salon "Nuevas Imagenes" CEARCO: Arte Contemporaneo de Argentina Galeria Arbos Arte -Salon de la Actualidad .Also exhibited in USA, Philadelphia. Salon de Arte Argentino Actual, at the Sivori Museum, Centro Cultural Recoleta. Galeria R van R Arte Contemporaneo Facultad de Derecho de Buenos Aires, Salon Pasos Perdidos Artist's Statement: I have always enjoyed art from an early age. This love of Art has stayed with me and developed and grown, and now, I cannot imagine wanting to do anything else. Making art for me, is an innate response to the inner and outer worlds, and a balancing act between the intuitive and the considered. I am interested in exploring my natural abilities and enthusiasm for my commitment to do an art within my innermost thoughts and emotions. My art is an evolving process, I take and represent only elements which are the essence of the object or of the imaginary being. I rely on my desires for beauty, poetics and seduction.