Sobre el Artista Creation of art for me is a release from the highly regulated and micro-controlled world of business and finance. ..A diametric opposite that allows complete freedom to just begin without knowing the route. No detailed preconceptions or detailed studies, just raw inspiration and expressionism. It is creation, unhindered by perfectionism. Like surfing a wave for the first time… Exhilarating, not knowing where it’ll take you or for how long you’ll have to fight to get it just right… and always learning how to get back on track after a total wipe-out blows your confidence. Exposure to: the artistic elements, to critique and to self-analysis. These harsh judges can cut deep. …But the pleasure is ‘riding the wave’ by trying new methods, new materials and new subjects. For all these reasons, my style is loose and representative; Abstract expressionism with an overdose of tangible colour and relief.