Karl Weiming Lu

Karl Weiming Lu

Sobre el Artista

Karl W. Lu is regarded as a global Renaissance man, his life and art spans from East to West, in his ongoing quest for knowledge and creativity. In 1962, Lu was born into a big intellectual and art family in Hangzhou, China. In 1991, he relocated to Australia to study philosophy, international studies, finance, and achieve triple Masters’ degrees in Art, Architecture and Design from UNSW Australia. Lu has worked in civil engineering, architecture, fashion, stock trading and e-business, but never abandoned his artistic passion. “All my interests—in art, science and philosophy—come together in my artwork,” he explains. Since 2000, he’s returned to the art practice professionally and exhibited globally in China, Australia, USA, Germany, Austria, Holland, UK, France, Japan, Italy and Spain. Trained in both Eastern and Western traditions, he often combines the two to create unique hybrid styles with both oil and Chinese ink brush techniques. Lu’s art style also reflects his personal journey and respected position within the significant “85 New Art Movement” in China. He has become a leading contemporary Chinese art critic since 2012 with top art media in China. www.kwluart.com kwlu8@hotmail.com