Tadeusz Machowski

Tadeusz Machowski

Sobre el Artista

Tadeusz Machowski was born in 1955 in Lancut, Poland. Since his early childhood, his main passion was all kinds of art.He has been developing his talent by creating realistic landscapes for about twenty years. Then, inspired by early twentieth century art, Tadeusz started looking for some other kinds of depicting reality and expressing emotions. Drawing inspiration from artists that had been created between 1940 and 1960, he started to work on his own abstract style. Today we can be really impressed when looking at his current art. As if he is still searching and trying to use new, different techniques and themes, his works of art are characterized by diversity of forms. It makes his paintings difficult to classified. Incredible colours and compositions delighted many critics and collectors, who posses over 500 Tadeusz's artworks mostly in the USA and the EU.