Day & Night

Daniel Heller Daniel Heller

JUNE 08, 2017

A.K.A "Day and Night Dreamers, a digital image exploring life's duality

The future is bright

Daniel Heller Daniel Heller

MAY 26, 2017

"Future is bright" When it comes to predicting the future I am optimistic, despite the turmoil that exists in our world today, I believe and hope that the future is bright. I wanted to express and further communicate this thought by means of an oil painting. Two motifs emerged. The past eras being sort of “in the dark”, and the new Post Modern era, the age of technology, information, computers and communications, which I consider our "saviors" and want to believe will bring us indeed a bright future. This is how the subject of my painting was born. Description: A group of mannequins, siting in the dark are patiently awaiting, gazing into the future. After a transition period (read our current state of information) an explosion of knowledge will occur, bringing us a very bright future