marni turek

marni turek

Sobre el Artista

Art is a personal journey and my philosophy is that art, like life, is a process, not a project. I engage in the artistic process to experience and discover. Rather than focusing on the outcome, I try to simply enjoy the moment. I believe that both your successes and your mistakes are your teachers: you can’t make either if you don’t try. After all, you always miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. Our experiences shape the way we see the world, so when people see my work, I love to hear what they think and what stories they have about a particular image. This makes my work whole to me as an artist. Inspirations: I gravitate towards what inspires me – nature and people. Scenes of the Southern Interior of British Columbia where I grew up, and the coast of British Columbia and Oregon recur throughout my work. Being a self-taught artist with a degree in science, I love the connection between science and art. I am fascinated by nature – its beauty, complexity, and strength. From the outside, science seems predicted or planned, yet a lot of information is stumbled upon by accident. The scientist needs to be able to see the potential in this new information and act upon it. The artistic process is similar for me... much of what I do is, in essence, an experiment. In most cases what I come up with is a discovery for me, rather than a predicted outcome. These discoveries then lead to new directions in future works. I love how art can invoke a conversation and inspire you to look further into a subject, or even help you see it from a different perspective. Art can be as simple as a moment in time, like a photograph reminding you of something familiar or exposing you to something new. Aspirations: Though my career and formal training is in the sciences, I look forward to learning and growing as an artist.