Sobre el Artista

I prefer oil paintings, however, I also like drawing and watercolor. In my works I am referring to the trend of surrealism and magic realism. I try to capture in my paintings something unspoken, disturbing, something lurking on the edge of the subconscious. My works are fleeting moments of state of the soul captured on canvas. Going in the direction of my own unique style. I am inspired by nature, man, the secrets of the universe. Instinctively, I direct toward questions about transience, cycle disintegration, the rebirth of nature. Through my work I would like to influence the subconscious viewer, move it, cause a moment of reflection, raise the need for reflection. Currently I live, work and create in Rzeszow city, Poland. Feel free to explore my creativity, maybe you'll find something that will stay longer in the memory and raise unforgettable emotions.