Eliane Zinner

Eliane Zinner

Sobre el Artista

• Executive Master of Cultural & Gender Studies Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst, Zürich, CH • dipl. Kunsttherapeutin Institut für Transpersonale Psychologie und Kunsttherapie, Bern, CH • Diplom der freien Kunstklasse Ecole Cantonale des Beaux-Arts, Sion, CH Eliane Zinner studied Fine Arts at the Ecole cantonal des Beaux-Arts in Sion. For 5 years she studied the oil painting. The light in interior landscapes fascinated her. She was very touched by William Turner's gigantic landscape images. During this time, the first room installation was also created: the air bubble "The soul in my body", 1996. A 4 x 5 m air bubble breathes in a room. Further air bubbles are produced in the following years. It exposes the air bubble to the weather, leaves the air bubble pregnant in the hospital room. She drew attention to the creative and psychological processes that a creative act shows. The curiosity of understanding these processes led her to study at the art therapy at the Institute for Transpersonal Psychology and Art Therapy in Berne. This gave rise to other important questions. How and with what do I identify? What is sick and what is healthy? What is culturally what is biological? To get closer to these answers, she studied Gender and Culture Studies at the Zurich University of the Arts in 2005. www.elianezinner.ch eliane.zinner@sunrise.ch