by Stephenie Hudek

Artwork Description

11th century Shiva, God of Destruction, made of bronze

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South India, Tamil Nadu, Chola dynasty A gift from Eugene McDermott to the Dallas Museum of Art This picture was taken on January 18, 2017 "In the Hindu tradition, music and dance are a pathway to divinity. The Hindu god Shiva is not only Lord of the dance but also the deity of creation, destruction, and rebirth. In his most transcendent form as Nataraja, the Divine Dancer, he embodies the energy of the entire cosmos. Shiva dances the rhythm of the universe, surrounded by flames. With his drum he beats out the universal rhythm, while in another hand he holds the flame of death. His lower hands promise release from the endless wheel of rebirth. His beautiful body, foot raised in rhythmic dance, and his sweetly expressive face are the incarnation of power and love. Under his lowered foot he stamps upon the demon of ignorance who challenged him (Dallas Museum of Art)."

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