Louise Hävre

Louise Hävre

Sobre el Artista

Let's fall in Art❤ Louise Hävre started painting in 2005, after the death of her brother. What started as self help and self medication soon became a new expressionistic style of painting. She treats light differently then any other before her. The light in her paintings are reflected in mirror like substances like water, ice and glass, and other colors. So rather than insisting on a light in the dark, she offers different types of lights, shades and nuances intertwined; inspiring and fascinating. She brings out the many lives of a light and examines it in different dimensions. Creating, reducing and empowering all at the same time. Bright light can be highly deceiving and darker shadows comforting or even a reminder of integrity. Even darkness is a light, a strong drive, and Louise does not let us forget that, nor ourselves. Her paintings welcome us into a journey of secrecy, mystery and fireworks; a truly magical light show. The interest for her paintings has quickly gone through the roof and she is now a highly sought after painter internationally. Www.louisehavre.se