Ripstein Jacqueline

Ripstein Jacqueline

Sobre el Artista

Jacqueline Ripstein "My Art is the expression of the Divine Mind, that lives in yours." International renowned Fine Art Artist /Author. For 40 yrs. she has inspired thousands of people across the world. With more than 390 International shows. Born in Mexico, self-taught, won a national Prismacolor diploma at 12 yrs. old. A unique creative that has dared cross the boundaries of the traditional Art schools, to create New Invisible Art techniques as: Invisible Art & Light tech. ©(pat.1986). Her deep desire has been to reveal these unseen dimensions. Her art reveals the Light within all of us and the Invisible dimensions that create our everyday lives. "May my Art serve to guide you in an inspirational journey to where its images and hidden messages become a guide to reveal your Inner Light being. Let each painting be the Mirror of your Soul." Jacqueline Ripstein Various intl. scientists have researched into her art, proving its unique high healing properties.(testimonials are in her web). Praised by International Art Critics & Art Collectors. She has advocated for World-Peace, and to help raise the human consciousness, through her high vibrational Art, books, self-awareness seminars & workshops. She's participated in multiple special World Events, some examples: Chosen (1992-94) to open the "Sefarad events in Toledo, Spain". Commissioned to paint Our Lady of the Universe for Croatia to support widows and orphans of war.(1996). Opened the “Millennium Peace Day” at the UN in NY alongside of Mrs. Nane Annan (2000). She has been working in Collaboration of the Eight UN Millennium Development Goals. In Sept 21, 2012 she was invited by the Government of China (Linzhou,Henan) "Friends for Peace & the Arts", to participate and as a keynote speaker. And to India (Hyderabad) (dec.21,2012) for the First Parliament on Spirituality. She was a keynote speaker & her art was chosen to be the stage background for the Parliament. Her book the Art of HealingArt is a unique transformational book to help us awaken to enlightenment.The messages from 15 of her paintings are thoughtful and thought-provoking, offering clues to personal metamorphosis. ( Jacqueline Ripstein Fine Artist & Author Art Healing Pioneer & World Peace Envoy *United Nations ECOSOC representative of the International Association of Educators for World Peace. Creator of the Invisible Art & Light Technique Facebook --> http:/