Julia Smirnova

Julia Smirnova

Sobre el Artista

The central aspect in my work is the isolation of the photographed scene or the photographed object. I remove my apparently casual motifs of spatial and temporal reference and free them from the context in which they originally stood. I give the motifs in that way the common validity. The release from the knowledge of place and time makes it possible to emerge clearer the object itself. Beautiful and special things suddenly become visible in the supposedly ordinary and secondary. In this way, I’m looking for the signs of time and traces of globalization and development. 1981       born in Jaroslavl, Russia 1997       moves to Germany 2003-2007    study at Munich University of Applied Sciences, Photo Dep., Diploma 2005-2006    residence in Kolkata, India 2010-2012    residence in Paris, France 2009-2015    study at Munich Academy of Fine Arts, by Jean-Marc Bustamante, Diploma 2012-2015    lives and works in Munich, Germany COLLECTIONS 2014       Kiyosato Museum of Photographic Arts (K∗MoPA), Japan 2013       Frances Lehman Loeb Art Center, New York 2013       Bavarian State Picture Collection (Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlung), Munich AWARDS 2014       7th Annual Photography Masters Cup, nominee in Fine Art 2013       Munich Award 2013 in photography (Förderpreis der Landeshauptstadt München) 2013       6th Annual Photography Masters Cup, nominee in Fine Art 2012       Lacoste Elysee Prize, Lausanne, Switzerland, nomination, grant 2012       5th Annual Photography Masters Cup, nominee in Fine Art 2012       LfA Calender Prize, Munich, Germany 2010       KATAPULT Award, Frankfurt, Germany, nomination (top ten) 2010       GetPublished Award, Deichtorhallen Hamburg, Germany, nomination (top ten) 2009       Dummy Award, nomination, 2. Photobook Festival, Kassel, Germany 2008       Canon-Profifoto Award, nomination 2008       Varta Digital Photo Award, nomination (top nine) SOLO SHOWS 2016       THE PLACE IS NOT IMPORTANT, 84 GHz, Munich 2014       THERE IS NO BETTER PLACE, BüKÜ, F-STOP Leipzig 2012       PARIS PHOTO, gallery SAGE, Paris, France 2012       NUIT DES IMAGES, Musée d'Elysée, Lausanne, Switzerland 2011       A TALE OF THREE CITIES; gallery SAGE Paris, France 2008       TUMBANI, Teehaus Tschajkowsky, Berlin, Germany 2007       TRAIN STATIONS, Goethe Institut, Calcutta (Kolkata), India GROUP SHOWS 2016       Kunstmuseum Humboldschloss (Dez 2016 - Feb 2017) 2016       Artist-Atelier Weissenhaus, Germany (duo) 2016       THE PLACE IS NOT IMPORTANT, Seidlvilla, Munich 2015       AFFORDABLE ART FAIR HAMBURG, Galerie Nimmesgern Starnberg 2015       UNSEEN photo fair, Amsterdam, Galerie SAGE 2015       HONEY AND JOY, Galerie Artsquare, Munich, Germany 2015       Goethe Intstitute Munich (trio), Germany 2015       YOUNG PORTFOLIO ACQUISITIONS 2014, K∗MoPA, Japan 2015       ORTSWECHSEL, Kunstverein Freising, Altes Gefaengnis, Germany 2014       URBAN PLACES, Galerie Aspekt, Neustadt, (trio), Germany 2014       ÜBERBLENDUNG, AFF Galerie, Berlin, (trio), Germany 2014       DOES SIZE MATTER?, Gallery Sage, Paris 2013       PARIS PHOTO, gallery SAGE, France 2013       ARTIST COMES FIRST, Festival international d′art de Toulouse, France 2013       Munich Awards 2013, Lothringer 13, Munich 2012       UNDERWORLD, Galerie 5,6, Munich, Germany 2011       CATCHED, EarlyBirds, Munich, Germany (trio) 2011       PLACE IS NOT IMPORTANT, Galerie ASPEKT, Neustadt, Germany (duo) 2011       NEIGE, gallery Baudoin Lebon, Paris, France 2011       KATAPULT Days, winner exhibition, Frankfurt/Main, Germany 2010       Collection hiemale, gallery Baudoin Lebon, Paris, France 2010       PHOTO+ART BOOK, Deichtorhallen Hamburg, Germany 2010       VI WARSAW FESTIVAL OF ART PHOTOGRAPHY, Warsaw, Poland 2009       HEIMAT AUF ZEIT, Galerie für christliche Kunst, Munich, Germany 2009       2. Kasseler Photobook Festival, Kassel, Germany 2009       TUMBANI, groundfloor "Bayern Invest", Munich, Germany 2008       FOTOGRAFIKA, Museum Literaturnoje Pridneprovje, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine 2007       FOTOFINISH, Munich University, Munich, Germany 2007       I imagined it in a different way, Seidlvilla, Munich, Germany 2006       ON THE MOVE, SARAI, Space for contemporary media, Delhi, India (duo) 2006       THE OWN VIEW, Technikzentrum FH Muenchen, Munich, Germany 2005       I like when the light goes on, Giesinger Bahnhof, Munich, Germany 2005       54 CHARACTERS, Preview Festival, Moscow, Russia 2005       3rd CURRENT PHOTO Festival, Moscow, Russia 2005       2nd CURRENT PHOTO Festival, Saint-Petersburg, Russia 2004       1st CURRENT PHOTO Festival, Saint-Petersburg, Russia