Ersilia Zaccaro Crawford

Ersilia Zaccaro Crawford

Sobre el Artista

Ersilia Zaccaro Crawford Artist Statement In 1954 I studied painting and Art Education at Hunter College and was much influenced by the New York artists teaching there: William Baziotes, Raymond Carter, Ad Reinhart and especially Robert Motherwell. For more than 20 years, collage has been central to my work. I find deep pleasure in using torn pieces of my old paintings, followed by the addition of discarded bark, hair, rope, yarn, musical notes, antique texts and more. My collages call for color to complete a structure that relates to time, timelessness, music, architecture, space, and natural forces. My process leads me to a place of deep joy derived from the knowledge that my work reflects my spiritual reality that all, myself included, are made of the same infinitesimal matter. Every painting is a reflection of my being and my hope is that the viewer may share this transcendental feeling.