by Ione Citrin

Artwork Description


0.0 x 0.0

42" high x 37" wide x 37" deep mixed media sculpture "M'Lady" started out as a paper mache figure wantonly sitting in an art supply store begging for attention. An imaginative artist saw her, and somehow related to her. An instant purchase brought her back to the artist's studio where she came to life and realized her full potential. You see, the artist supported herself with the "easy dollar", i.e. the money she received for her favors from her various lovers. And so in response to her current life, she began to work on the torso. First she cut a big cavern in the abdomen area, leaving a piece of the paper mache like a runway into the figure's body. Then she began to decorate the body, with bangles representing flashy jewelry, her nightly armor. On the piece laying in the foreground she put a large amount of bills representing the money she earns. Then, because this life was a self-enforced "jail sentence", I built a steel cage and set her in it. There is a little door with a little padlock on it. It is practically invisible, and she is too large and unwieldy to get through it. So she is forever "trapped". She represents the women I have known who lead trapped lives. Women who prefer to stay in an unhappy situation rather than brave the world and change their current situation. What kind of woman are you?

Artwork Details

