by Ione Citrin

Artwork Description

Red Shoes

0.0 x 0.0

40" high x 30" wide oil on canvas Gilda was a child of privilege. Her family tree could be traced back to the Rothschild's of European fame and fortune. She was raised with governesses, private European schools, the best of everything. But everything wasn't enough for Gilda. She became addicted to hard drugs and heavy partying in the posh clubs all over the world. She was the "toast" of the town in whatever town she happened to be. When her maid discovered her dead body, it didn't really come as a surprise to her friends and family. They could have predicted this outcome early on. They put on somber faces, buried her, and liquidated her finances into their own. Her memory was put aside in the "distasteful memories" album, and nothing more was ever mentioned about Gilda. Her friends missed her for about a minute. There were "other Gilda's" to be found, chomping at the bit for entry into their social arenas. And so, the parties continued without Gilda, her family quickly shoved her in the "hush-hush" closet, and the world turned with a lot of unanswered questions. C'est la vie. "Tsk-Tsk" no real tears, no real vibes, just a quick appearance on the scene with an equally rushed exit. What a sad obituary.

Artwork Details

