Basilio Dipani

Basilio Dipani

Sobre el Artista

BASILIO DIPANI 1958 - email: Painter, graphic artist. The passion for painting is manifested in him from an early age; after graduating from the Academy of Fine Arts of Capo D'Orlando (Me), specializes in etching techniques. In the last period and engaged in research and expressive techniques by designing experiments entirely new and unusual. Painting unwinds is constantly moving, and the persistent search of places and landscapes that convey emotions and moods through color and "matter." His most popular subjects are the sea, the lonely countryside, the endless plains. It has a painting technique that uses with mastery and ease. Painting unwinds, manifests thus processed and the result of a long and incessant stylistic experimentation. These elements that emphasize the quality of interpretation of our artist and who manages to stand out in a pictorial context often repetitive and devoid of propositional stimuli. THE reclaim therefore basiliar concepts of narrative figure to be the element of the momentum unwinds style. excellent style embellished with an innate talent for narrative. He has participated in national and international exhibitions, biennials, fairs, collective, personal and different competitions, winning prizes and awards. Year wrote him the following art critics-journalists; Professors: Gianluigi Guarneri, Tiziana Cordani, Ezio Maglia, Marcello Tosi, Franco Buongiorno, Mariangela Parrino, M. Mali, Carlo Tober, Patrizia Crimi, Chiara Pittavino, Sandro Serradifalco, Manuela Vento, Chiara Manganelli, wind and others not mentioned. Acknowledgments: ROMA 5° Gran Premio Internazionale dell'arte (Art appreciation)-Rome (special prize)-XXXIX Award Spring FOGGIA (Foggia)-ARTOTEQUE "diploma of excellence" (HONORABLE AWARD)-Florence 6th Edition (Oscar of Culture 2007) certificate of merit-BERGAMO Fourth painting contest (Honorable mention)-PALERMO (high artistic validity Award)-BERGAMO Fifth painting competition (medal)-XXXX Premium Spring FOGGIA (artist's Gallery Prize). Critical essay ... landscapes matter, grainy, scratched, bright and vibrant colours tell us about the pictorial Poetics of Basilio Dipani. Paintings by the artist Mai appear to us as temporal aperture of an uncontaminated world, where the sky, Earth, light recite in perfect symbiosis their primordial role. This natural look, that strategies hypertechnological are slowly erasing is evoked by the artist as an environmental complaint has manifest human. Using acrylic paint mixed with sands the innermost soul sensations scours Dipani artist. Restless clouds hover over desolate landscapes, where the man as a figure not only symbolic but physics is absent. This quest for essentiality ' and figurative purity goes beyond the sense of refuge and quiet solitude. In contrast to perceptual stereotypes the artist conveys his material research toward unexpected colour dimensions. Avoiding the use of preparatory drawing translates directly on the canvas the vehemence of his feel deeper. "Sunsets" firered drawn in the sky glowing energy vortexes, creating iridescent dynamic lines. "Night Glow" bright swirl and calmed down in brief moments it into a hot summer night. "Nightly Clouds" flying over horizons unreachable, announce the dawn, "light effect" of a new day. Atmospheric aspects of nature become in the art of Dipani pure essence of expression, bulwarks against a decline that now seems inevitable. Prof. Gianluigi Guarneri. The expression of light. "... In the work of Basil Dipani dominates a extraordinary light of rare beauty and freedom, a fundamental characteristic that highlights a specific narrative and especially compositional stability. It is a light that seems to live at the heart of his pictorial universe, full of endless spatiality that dazzles the Viewer. The gestures and sign exclusivity document a masterfully described, so it takes a committed construction clear personality always expressed with absolute safety and craftsmanship. Shines through a structural balance of immediate particularity that amazes; He, with his interpretive force and his rigorous research, confirms an art of great representation. Everything is consciousness in the pictorial path of Dipani because it is well understood that his works are quality and responsible professionalism. The continuous dialogue with the nature is intense, conclusive, symbol of a striking evocation never an end in itself. Thus we find in his artistic career titrations "color and light", "night Glow" and "energy Matters", where the immediacy of the image takes shape in a singular uniqueness which is completed in a mature synthesis and formal rhythm. Using mixed media on canvas the Dipani observes a consistent style, full of energy and talent. It's a nature, that of Dipani, who lives a special attention and a very noble communicative: his is a relevant project in which they emerge and industrious study setting. Light and shadow and harmony of colours, enhance the work of a unique richness. The artist Basilio Dipani offers the spectator works of great quality and cultural interest. Dr. M. Mali (art critic) color suggestions Works of suggestions fillers, able to excite and interest for the technical qualities fielded. The emotion is transmitted by the author the observers primarily through color, glowing, rich, very varied, from woven filaments and masses to the image through the color paste, is gradually built, even the light that is broken and it expands in space that suggests, however, hints of darkness, does not have a secondary task in giving life and power to the naturalistic images that unwinds organizes noticed sense of composition. Certainly there is a gap through which the poetic landscape, so to speak, creeps into the fantasy and back to today's romantic interpretation spirituality that replaces the human presence within nature. The fantastic suggestion of the vast horizons of unwinds is well understood and supported by a diverse structure that has different pigments and incisive techniques. Surely more fantastic and naturalistic, more romantic than geometric, the work appears unwinds original and well structured, deserving, therefore, of shrewd attention. Tiziana Cordani ... The artist Basil unwinds launched an interesting research on the relationship between man and the universe. His work in a blatant evoke the interaction between man and nature that surrounds him, even above it. It is in particular the views that describe in great colors the emotions that you can try when you contemplate the creation, specifically the sky and the universe that dominates the man. Unwinds have been combining this feeling with living nature and moving the attention to the environment, threatened by man. The artist inserts wrapped items such as plastic to symbolize man's intrusion into the perfection of nature, a contamination that threatens to impoverish the extraordinary beauty of creation. The modern world of consumerism soaked, causing the artist's rebellion with his paintings draws titti the responsibility towards our surroundings. I this sense, the works constitute a true social protest in order to warn those who are operating effectively for self-destruction. Franco Bongiorno The stage setting recalls the great masters of the "return to order" Italian. The chromatic effect figure composed and well mixed tonal variations, the result is a positive experience in which our look is conducted through perceptual dimensions of pathos and dignified harmony of the whole. The painting of Basil unwinds, it manifests thus processed and the result of a long and incessant stylistic experimentation. These elements that emphasize the quality of interpretation of our artist and who manages to stand out in a pictorial context often repetitive and devoid of propositional stimuli. The re-appropriate, therefore, to basiliar concepts narrative figure to be the element of the momentum unwinds style. excellent style embellished with an innate talent for narrative. Sandro Serradifalco Exhibitions of painting Painting exhibitions In 1980 to Frazzano, at Easter, it paints the whole scenography of the passion of "CHRISTUS", scene 6 x 4 meters in size over the scenes. Some of his works dated 1989, are found in private and public collections. 1993-first solo exhibition, at the "Frames fine art Gallery" of Rocca di Capri Leone (Me) and stay for a long time. 1997-Group exhibition of sacred art, Rocca di Capri Leone (Me). 1998/1999/2000-Farshad_baher Art: first, second and third edition: collective in Capo d'Orlando (Me). 1999-Group Exhibition-Gallery Capo d'Orlando (Me). 2004-group exhibition at Castle Sant'Agata di Militello (Me). -Staff at pussellawa (Me). -Group exhibition, celebration of unity in Capo d'Orlando (Me). 2005-personal exhibition at the Palace of the Lions headquarters of the province of Messina. March 2006-collective, Gallery "the collector" Rome. -Group exhibition, April, Gallery, "FIN" BERLIN-Germany. -Collective Gallery in Ferrara. -Group exhibition, June, "GALLERY."-Florence-31° Rass. International art "Telaccia d'Oro" Torino and Monaco. -Personal Gallery "Immagini Spazio Arte" Cremona. -Group exhibition, July, Gallery "SAN DONATO"-Genoa. -Staff On the Road Art Gallery, Gallarate (Va). -Arte Padova, (fair) Gallery Sunrise. -Imagine art exhibition Reggio Emilia, at the stand of the art gallery "La Telaccia". 2007-collective and stay for a year, Gallery "Immagini Spazio Arte" Cremona. -Personal art gallery "la Telaccia" Turin. -Personal exhibition "Metamorphosis" Reggio Emilia. -39° Prize national painting Exhibition and spring-black and white-Foggia. (Premio città di Foggia). 2007-2008 annual global Art artoteque Online-LONDON-"diploma of excellence" (HONORABLE AWARD). -Award (Oscar 2007 culture) and shows "Florence summer" Gallery "Florence". -Group exhibition "the blue island", the island of CAPRI, with the "art gallery Crispi" in Rome.--international review of art "Basilica of Santa Maria del popolo Augustinian Hall" Rome, with the Gallery Grispi. -Fourth painting competition, trophy G.B. Moroni "New Artemisia Gallery Bergamo. (Honorable mention). -Imagine art exhibition Reggio Emilia, at the stand of "Metamorphosis". -Biennale Internazionale dell'arte Contemporanea, fortezza da Basso, FLORENCE, Sixth Edition 2007. 2008-2° international art Award "hymn to nature" city of Monreale Pa (high Award for artistic validity). -Group exhibition "beyond borders" Lovetti Sekanina Gallery/contemporary art-Ferrara. Biennale internazionale dell’Arte Contemporary – Chapingo 2008 Mexico. -Quarantaperquaranta Arteitinerante 1-Prague-Galerie U zlateho Kohouta (Czech Republic). -Selected for the contest "I have @ dream"-with view in June, former Benedictine convent-Catania. -Group exhibition of contemporary art in June, Gallery "the Temple"-Palermo. -40° Prize national painting exhibition and spring and b. and n.-Foggia-(the artist's Gallery Prize). -Art exhibition at Rocca di Capri Leone, August 2008. -Group exhibition of national and International Artists On the Road Art Gallery, Villa Delfina, Gallarate (Va). -Fifth painting competition, trophy G.B. Moroni "New Artemisia Gallery Bergamo. 2009-group exhibition of contemporary art, Gallery "the Temple"-Palermo. 2009-first exhibition of contemporary art, Sant'Agata di Militello (Me)-collective, Castle Gallego, Sant'Agata di Militello (Me). -Collective Art Actually 2nd Edition 2010 Gallery Red cinnabar, Palombara Sabina (Rome). -Staff, Gallery 51, and stay for a long time, Rocca di Capri Leone (Me). collective Association 2010 Home Faber, Capo d'Orlando (Me). 2011 staff and stay for a long time, villa Rantu, Militello Rosmarino (Me). Collective Christmas 2013, Torrenova (Me). 2015 staff and stay for an extended period, Capo Nettuno Hotel, Capo d'Orlando (Me). "Collettiva di Natale, Association Home Faber, Capo d'Orlando (Me). Easter 2016 Collective, Association Home Faber, Capo d'Orlando (Me). "July, Coll. and Stay for a long period Rossocinabro Gallery Rome. "Coll. New York, August 8 – 12, \ August Contemporary curated by Joe Hansen. "Coll. August 22 – 25 August Contemporary, Tokyo \, curated by Joe Hansen. "collective art party from 19 to 21 August in Capo d'Orlando (Me). "collective identity – 15 October 30 COMPOSITE, curated by Rossocinabro Gallery. "Coll. Tokyo, December 15, from10 to \ December Contemporary curated by Joe Hansen. "December 31, 15/Collective ROME \ Contemporary curated by Hansen and Cristina Madini" Coll. Featured art, big. 17 December to 15 January 2017 home Faber, Capo d'Orlando. 2017 Coll. The seasons of Art 6/20 January, 4TH ed. edited by Deborah Petroni Wikiarte Gallery ON LIFE 18-28 February 2017 curated by Joe Hansen and Cristina Madini – Galleria Rossocinabro – Roma. Coll. Orlando Art 18 - 19 - 20 August 2017 Capo 'Olando. Figurative arts 11 september 1 October - Castle Bastion - Capo D'Orlando. 2018 Coll. e Pem. 1 Anno Galleria Immagini Spazio Arte - Cremona. Coll. Sguardi metafisici nell'arte 3 - 17 febbraio, Galleria Immagini Spazio Arte - Cremona. Coll. Brolo con associazione Home Faber. Coll. Primo maggio Ass. Home Faber – Capo D’Orlando (Me). Prima Biennale del Tirreno 01 – 24 giugno, associazione Artetra Salerno. Coll. Artisti a Venezia III – IV ediz.16–25 giugno, 01–24 luglio, Gallery Accorsi Arte (VE) Coll. Arte Visive – ottava edizione – dal 11 al 29 september, Porto turistico Capo D’Orlando. Coll. Artisti a Toino dal 22 septembrer al 10 october con la Gallery AccorsiArte Torino.