Cecile Gurrola Faulconer

Cecile Gurrola Faulconer

Sobre el Artista

I am at one with the world and feel a great sense of harmony when I am working with clay. I remember being drawn to clay in high school, but not until rediscovering it did I realize how big a part of my life it was meant to be. People often ask where I get my ideas. Each of my handmade masks comes from a place inside that has existed my whole life. I have been influenced and inspired by the ancient mythology and legends of my Greek and Mexican ancestry and stories told in my childhood. I often add twisting horns, snakes and leaves like some of the mystical creatures in those stories. My creations rarely begin with an idea in mind but normally evolve as I roll out the slab of clay. I begin to see a personality and build upon that personality. My masks are interpreted differently by all who view them, but I see serenity, mystery and a touch of whimsical playfulness. Simplicity is a rarity, as curly clay eyelashes, beads, shells, hand-crafted jewelry and occasional metal screws and feathers are added for an extra individuality.