Carola Paschold

Carola Paschold

Sobre el Artista

1982 Graduates as Diplom Designer, Visual Communication and Illustration, Düsseldorf Polytechnic Fachhochschule), 2005-2006r Art-related science ,Prof. Dr. Kunibert Behring, Düsseldorf Art Academy 1997 The cycle of „Provence“ paintings begins. Numerous exhibitions in Germany and abroad – especially on the Côte d‘Azur 1998 Recognition as a professional artist IGBK (Internationale Gesellschaft für Bildende Künste / International Association of Art), Berlin 2004 Member of BBK, Bundesverband der Bildenden Künstler (National Association of Artists), Cologne 2005 Member of the Düsseldorfer Künstler (Düsseldorf Association of Artists), State capital of Düsseldorf 2006 Member of the GEDOK A 46 2006 Going back to painting large-size portraits and figures 2006-2008 Participant of the state program “Culture and School” 2009 Member of BBK, Bundesverband der Bildenden Künstler (National Association of Artists) Düsseldorf 2011 Member of Artist Association Malkasten, Düsseldorf