Jolanda Richter

Jolanda Richter

Sobre el Artista

JOLANDA RICHTER was born in 1971 in Netherlands. Aged three the family moved to Hamburg, at age six to Vienna. She quickly took up art and music. She was admitted into the 'University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna', where she studied the cello for five years. Since childhood Richter also displayed impeccable rendering skills, but as she grew older music and performance consumed her time. Longing to paint again, she enrolled at the University of Applied Art in Vienna in 1994, master-class for painting and graphics. She graduated in 1999. Since 1993 numerous exhibition activities in groups and individual leaded Jolanda Richter through Europe and USA. By now Jolanda Richter lives and works as freelance-artist near Vienna. 1989-94: Study of Violoncello at the ‘University of Music and Performing Arts’ in Vienna. 1994-99: Study of painting and graphics at the ‘University of Applied Arts’ in Vienna. 1999: Diploma, ‘University of Applied Arts’, Vienna. Awards (selection): 2019: Winner of the 'Front Cover Competition' of SPOTLIGHT Contemporary Art Magazine | Issue 13, Lyon, France. 2019; Honorable Mentions, LICC - The London International Creative Competition.2018: Honorable Mention, Artistic Excellence 2018, Southwest Art Magazine, USA. 2016: 1st Prize, Category 38: Religious or Spiritual, American Art Awards, juried by 25 US Galleries and Museums. 2013: 1st Prize, 8. Salon de l’Art Européen, Le Mont-Dore (FR). 2005: 1st Prize, International Art Contest Realism, Art Dept (AU). 2004: 1st Prize, 17th International Exhibition of Animals in Art, Louisiana State University (US). 2003: 1st Prize, Access to Active Art Competition (UK). Exhibitions (selection) 2022: Kunstforum Leoben, Styria, Austria, Solo exhibition; Gallery ‚Stadtgalerie Wiener Neustadt‘, Solo exhibition, Wr. Neustadt, Austria; Gauermann Museum, Miesenbach, Lower Austria, Austria, Solo exhibition. 2021: Bakerhouse Gallery, #EpicWomen21, Graz, Austria; ArtFair ARTe Wiesbaden, Exhibitor Bakerhouse Gallery, Wiesbaden, Germany; Gallery ‚Stadtgalerie Wiener Neustadt‘, “Kunstverkehr 2”, Wr. Neustadt, Austria; La Hong, Opening exhibition of Fashion & Gallery – „Am RosaRosen Hof“, Vienna, Austria; Gallery ‚Domenig-Galerie in der Ankerbrot‘, „Spannungsbogen“, Vienna, Austria. 2020: Bakerhouse Gallery, Graz, Austria; Gallery ‚Stadtgalerie Marchtrenk‘, Solo exhibition, Oö., Austria. 2019: Biohotel Flachauerhof‘, Solo exhibition, curated by ‚Galerie Seywald‘, Salzburg, Austria; Gallery 'Stadtgalerie Wr. Neustadt', Wiener Neustadt, (AT); 1. Dillinger Kunstfestival, Dillingen (GE); 2018: Gallery ‘Kleine Galerie’, Solo exhibition, Vienna, (AT); “Magical Dreams IV”, Intern. Group exhibition, (PL, AT, GE); Buch und Kunst, Solo exhibition, Vienna, (AT); 2017: „Hoffnungs(t)raum PHANTASTISCH“, Kunsthalle Leoben, Leoben, (AT); "real – surreal – irreal – ?”, Villa Berbberich, Bad Säckingen, (GE); Galerie Jacobsa, Nuremberg, (GE); Art fair ART CAPITAL, Guest of ‘Société des Artistes Français’, Grand Palais, Paris, (F). 2015: Kulturhaus-Kunstgalerie, Bruck an der Mur, Styria (AT); Gallery ‘Galerie Callas’, Bremen (DE). 2014: Guest of honour, "Safadore 2014", 9. Salon de l’Art Européen, Le Mont-Dore (FR); Trierenberg Art, Traun (AT). 2013: Beskidian Art Gallery, Szczyrk (PL). 2012: Stadtmuseum St.Pölten, Lower Austria, (AT); Gallery 'Galerie im Donemig-Haus', Vienna, (AT). 2010 and 2011: Kleine Galerie, Vienna, (AT). 2006: Galerie Altes Sudhaus, Kelheim (DE). 2005: ‘Natural History Museum Vienna’, Vienna (AT); Gallery Castillon, Côte D’Azur, (F); Egon Schiele-Museum, Tulln / Donube, (AT).