Sobre el Artista

Snezhana Kazimirovna Vitetskaya (Witecka) was born in 1982 in Grodno, Belarus Member of the Belarusian Union of Artists in 2014. 2002 – graduated Grodno State Art college majoring in “Design” 2007 – graduated “Yanka Kupala State Univertity of Grodno” majoring in “Fine Arts” 2010 – artworks for spiritual and educational edition “A Prayer Book for Children” 2010 – art exhibition “Raining Season” in the art gallery “ARTBLIK” in Minsk 2011 – IX national art exhibition “ART ACADEMY” in Minsk 2012 – national art exhibition “Christmas carol’s fest” in Minsk 2012 – national art exhibition “Youth – 2012” in Minsk 2012 – national art exhibition “From Mensk to Minsk” in Minsk 2012 – national art exhibition “130 years since the birth of Y. Kupala and Y. Kolas” in Minsk 2012 – art exhibition “St Gubert’s town” in the gallery “Kryga” in Minsk 2012 – one-man exhibition “Colorful clouds of Grodno” in the art gallery “ARTBLIK” in Minsk 2012 – art exhibition “Between Visla and Neman” in Vilnius 2013 – one-man exhibition “Silentio Fish” in the gallery “Tyzengauz” in Grodno 2014 – art exhibition "Alfresco" in Sopot, Poland 2014 – national art exhibition “150 years of the Rebellion Kalinowski” in Minsk 2014 – art exhibition "Cross-border zone of art" in Łódź, Poland 2015 – art exhibition “Fork” gallery “Tyzengauz” in Grodno 2015 – one-man exhibition "EKS-ARHAIZM" in the gallery "KRYGA" 2015 – national art exhibition “Art-panorama” in Grodno 2015 – international art exhibition “TRZY MOSTY” Warsaw, Poland 2015 – art exhibition “III Piotrkowskie Biennale Sztuki” Poland