Sobre el Artista

Artist you are from your heart, or you aren't an artist. Non so called University can give it to you, even if you might get some information about epochs, about styles, about, about, about. Art is something which has to touch, at least you! There may be a lot of people in your lifetime who cannot appreciate your way of expressing art. But actually a lot of artist came across this phenomena in the last decades, centuries and milleniums. I welcome everyone enjoying my way of art, I am catching, expressing and sharing. I am grateful for every moment I have my camera at hand. But in fact, there are so many moments just for the glimpse of a second,... incatchable, and this too is the way it should be. yours moritz moritz P.S. feel free to share everything, but I would be happy if you would send me some information where you are going to use it. feel free to contact. mobejoni (AT) protonmail (Punkt/Dot) com