by Ian E Anderson

Artwork Description

Eyes - Windows through which to see the world by.

0.0 x 0.0

Oils on canvas. I was intrigued by the pelicans of the Kimberly Region of West Australia, seagulls at Goat Island Marine Reserve, New Zealand and an image in Australian Geographic photographed by Mike Langsford. Inspired by the drama in the original photo, I was technically challenged by seeing how I could create a depth of field (photographic word for focus area) 3D effect. I wanted to concentrate on the eye as the centre of attention, what images are seen by the eye and how a decision is made based on the perception of what is taking place in that moment of the life in these living creatures. Interestingly, I asked the question; Was the seagull frightened because the pelican was attacking it for being in the pelicans space? Was it frightened unnecessarily because all the pelican was doing was washing its bill or more masterly chasing an unseen fish? I will never know, but the truth is the seagull was frightened and only one reason in the 3 thoughts I have just mentioned was worth being afraid of. A little like the unreasonable fears that sometimes invade our heart, we don't know what is a good fear to take notice of or a bad fear to reject. The natural eyes see the world, the eyes of the heart dream dreams and the eyes of the spirit hunger for truth. The greatest gift God gave to man is not sight. It is vision. Sight is a function of the eyes. Vision is a function of the heart. A disfunctional heart will fear incorrectly by what the eyes have seen and therefore the vision of life is imparied. A truly functinal heart will make decisions on sound vision and that is wisdom. It was also a challenge to create non light areas like the black of the feathers without using black oils. Ask me how I did that and I will tell you.

Artwork Details

Medium: Painting Oil

Genre: Hyper-Realism