Sobre el Artista

THE ART THAT FALLS FROM THE FRAME Ymmerwahr’s images, figuratively and literally, “fall from their frames”. Quite a few of her "outstanding" works do not require conventional frames in many respects. They float in pendulums to and fro, they are paradoxically painted on curved surfaces, they are applied to round tabletops, they are squeezed as triangles into right corners, or they cuddle up even all around a column. "Unframed" is obviously the hallmark of the idiosyncratic artist. Her works on canvas are not in solid fixed frames. They deny a strict given border; they constantly go beyond the borders. Her flowing shapes and colors can be transformed in no frame. Ymmerwahr’s images are painted as transgression of borders. They deliberately break the boundaries between reality and illusion, between art and life, between dream and everyday life, between the sensible and the supersensible. Ymmerwahr, whose real name is Karola Pegau lives and works in Schömberg on the southern edge of the Black Forest. She is an exceptional artist. What, at first sight, seems to be painted effortlessly on her images, is in reality the outcome of hard work. As a working class child, it was not easy to pave her way to artistic perfection, and she herself did not make it especially easy. She gets nothing for free; she herself gave nothing for free. She tried to get away early from the narrowness of the parental home. After high school, she went with two friends on a journey to India, but due to an insurgency in Afghanistan, she found her way to Iran. There, she discovered her passion for oriental culture and three years later, again she traveled alone by car to Iran with open, seeing and wondering eyes. If you look closely, you can detect a reflection of the visual impressions and experiences in her paintings to date. The bright sun, vivid colors and the abundance of light in her works reveal – in dialogue with Goethe - an "oriental view" on what holds the world together in the depths. Dr. Peter Schütt