maria do carmo cid peixeiro

maria do carmo cid peixeiro

Sobre el Artista

Maria do Carmo de Oliveira Cid Peixeiro 2017 - Member of iaf-animamundi platform 2017 – As member of Sculpture-Network International Celebration for Contemporary Sculpture sponsor the organization at Alandroal – Alentejo – Portugal the 8th sculpture network start’17 –International Celebration for Contemporary Sculpture. 2016 - Participation in the Conference "The Role of the School in the Fruition of Cultural Universes" promoted by the Arts Education Team of the General Directorate of Education, Ministry of Education, having passed the Ismaili Centre in Lisbon on June 21, 2016 2014 - Organize at Estremoz an International Art Symposium with Netherlands and Mozambique artists 2012 – Organize an holograms Workshop at Lisbon, by a Japanese teacher from CHIBA Japanese University 2009 – Technical Artisan and Design Meeting Course – Professional continuous e learning by National qualification Formatives Centre – Professional Formatives Department – Employ and Professional formatives Institute 2004 – Course of Formation context (CAP), by Formajuda 2002 – Ceramics and tiles teacher at APF 1996 – Panels to the Fronteira Palace “Dragon's” 1996 – Course “Iconography and Iconoclasms Analyses – Methodology, Theory and Patrice”, at Fronteira Palace 1995 – Course “The Fronteira Palace Garden's” at Fronteira Palace 1993/99 – Course “(by modules) “Tiles History” at Fronteira Palace 1990 – Course “Portuguese Tiles History”, at Fronteira Palace 1989 – Tiles owner atelier 1987/88 – Teacher at Monsanto of “Tiles technologies” 1977/78 – workshop at stained-glass technologies 1970/89 – Ministry of Army worker 1968/73 – Frequency of ESBA Lisbon painter Others activities 2008 – Group exhibition at JMAGallery at Viena d'Austria 15MAR to 30April 2007 – Is invited to participate at Biennial of Florence, by is organization 2006 – Is exhibition “A Viagem” based on Fernando Pessoa book “A Mensagem” have the support of the Portuguese Ministry of Culture as Superior Cultural Interest 2004 – Produce tiles panel's to Mikhail Rudy, French music by is order 1987/88 – Several participations internationals and groups exhibition's promoted by ICEP at London, Florence, Seville and Paris 1996 – Individual exhibition at Porto, at Península Gallery 1995 – Individual exhibition at Paris, at Villa Paris Gallery 1993 – Individual exhibition at Lisbon at Imprevisto space 1990 – Award by the Secretary of Culture “the best work of handicraft from Lisbon” 1982 – Award “Handicraft Portuguese Best Work” at FIARTIL Estoril