Nadine Saitlin

Nadine Saitlin

Sobre el Artista

Nadine Meyers Saitlin Artist… A professional Artist, I have studios in both Chicago IL and Boca Raton, Florida. In Chicago I exhibit with the Chicago Society of Artists Inc. When in Boca Raton I exhibit regularly with the National Association of Women Artists, FL Chapter (NAWA), Boca Raton Museum Artist Guild, Florida Artist Group (FLAG), Florida Watercolor Society, and in competitive national shows. I have received many awards including the Dick Blick purchase prize, Best of Show Kathryn Butler Gallery, the Best of Show All Florida Exhibition Boca Raton Museum of Art and my work is represented in many private collections. My artwork was seen on the cover of Kravis Center for the Arts’ Playbill Cover, on the wall of the Palm Beach International Airport, and paintings were featured in A Walk Into Abstraction, ebook, Vol. #6 by Sue St. John Arts Educator… I began my career teaching High School, I created educational materials in the arts at CEMREL, Inc. a national research and development laboratory, and directed the first Visual Art NEA Artist-In-Residence program. As Associate Professor, at Chicago State University, for eight years I taught visual art, and for twenty years I was Executive Director of the Illinois Alliance of Arts Education, where I managed the activities of the statewide arts education advocacy organization. Education… I received my under graduate degree from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, and post graduate degrees at the University of Illinois, Champaign, and Michigan State University, East Lansing. Artist Statement I’m an abstract expressionist painter and the inspiration for my abstractions come from everywhere. I find when sketching, shapes appear that remind me of experiences or objects and places I’ve seen. The development of the forms, use of color and the structure of compositions are solely from my imagination. My Painted Vessels are made from 3-D natural gourds. The form becomes the canvas, and the images are rendered on the gourd with acrylic paint and pen and then sealed. The goal in both my 2 and 3-D artwork is to create seductive surfaces and provocative forms that involve the audience in a visual adventure discovering new associations and deeper meaning. I deliberately want the viewer to respond to the emotional qualities within the work and when they identify references to objects, to make them concrete in a story of the mind.