Asmita Rajiv

Asmita Rajiv

Sobre el Artista

The year 2012 was a milestone year for me. It was the year when I decided to follow my passion and began my journey into an unfamiliar, yet exciting world of art. Devoid of a formal education in art, I struggled immensely to find my unique style and expression. Slowly, but surely, my struggles began to take form, gave me a sense of clarity, and helped me discover what gravitates me towards a blank canvas. I realised that I was here to speak on behalf of life and narrate its story as experienced by myself and those around me. My paintings reflect my observations about common men and women, their dreams, aspirations, struggles, joys and sorrows. The poem accompanying each painting provides cues to its interpretation. I hope that my paintings and poems befriend you, and in them, you would find a silent reminder of your cherished values and beliefs. I envision to create art that makes each one of us question, challenge, and appreciate, what we, the mortal society, bring onto ourselves and to others – the good, the bad, and the ugly. Awards and Recognition: - Second Place in “The Best Vienna Showcase Awards-2013” amongst 140 artists from 54 countries - My painting, "The Woman and the Man", was selected by the jury of The International Emerging Artists Awards, in the "Best Picks of 2013" Category. - Published two poetry books based on the stories behind each of my paintings. Exhibitions: - Barcelona: Barcelona International Art Fair - Dec, 2016 - New York City: Art Expo - April, 2015 - Rotterdam: Rotterdam International Art Fair - September, 2014 - Italy: Little Treasures, Galleria De Marchi, Bologna - April, 2014 - New Delhi: Solo exhibition, India Habitat Center - March, 2014 - New Delhi: Arpana Caur Fine Arts Gallery - February, 2014 - Mumbai: India Art Festival - December, 2013 - Vienna: Vienna Showcase, Palais Schönborn - October, 2013 - New Delhi: Solo exhibition - March, 2013