Kjell Folkvord

Kjell Folkvord

Sobre el Artista

Kjell Folkvord Lyrical abstract expressionist I am a Norwegian. Came to the UK to work as an artist in 2010 I have painted most of my life, but as a main occupation only for the last 15 years. My most important tool is myself, my intellect, my life experience, my aesthetic sense, my identity as an individual and as an artist. It is also of course my skill to create art. My first paintings, made while I still was a student, were experimental abstract expressions. Nobody seemed to take any notice of them. After some years I decided to paint houses, animals, in short, whatever I came across, and suddenly people around me said “Oh Kjell, you really can paint!” Having got this confirmation, I went back to the abstract style. Abstraction is my perfect expression! I have a huge freedom, and what is better than to express concentrated emotions than this abstract language? My best poems are of the same kind; short concentrated extracts often from a larger picture. I will never be able to tell the whole truth, I think, but what I do tell I want to be as truthful as I can make it.