Matteo Varsi

Matteo Varsi

Sobre el Artista

Born in Levanto ( Italy ) in 1970. The first photographic research involving photography and literature. After graduating in Modern Foreign Literatures in 2003 won the scholarship to go to 'IIF (Italian Institute of Photography in Milan) where he graduated the following year. Numerous personal and collective participation in events such as Festival of Photography in Rome , the Photo and photo festival in Milan, the Month of Photography in Berlin, the Fotofever in Paris , Fotofilmic international festival. Since 2007 some of his works are for sale in Paris ( Galerie Sakura ) and worldwide through L' Affiche Moderne. Expired material and pinhole camera are the subjets of his ultimate investigations. From 2010 lives in Levanto , 5 terre national Park. Matteo Varsi on fb