Sarah Lee Gossett Parrish

Sarah Lee Gossett Parrish

Sobre el Artista

I have always been a creative soul. I’m a pianist, cellist, writer, photographer. I have written all my life, and it is a relief to not have to put into words what I capture on film, or digitally, now. Inherent in this is the fact that my work defies second-guessing and judgments, unlike writing fiction or, in my life as a lawyer, a contract, a motion, a brief. There is a blissful absence of such components in my photographic work, and I appreciate and cherish this fact. I hope my photography goes beyond the range of words, that it speaks to the soul, evokes emotions, offers moments of escape from the mundane, the daily stress, worry, and anxiety that are so prevalent in our society today. I am really enjoying my Flower Series. Henri Matisse said, “There are always flowers for those who want to see them.” I always want to see the flowers. And I want to help you see them, too. Please contact me for prints, limited editions, collaborations, commissions, or more information. Sarah Lee Gossett Parrish