Vesna Vukalovic

Vesna Vukalovic

Sobre el Artista

Self taught artist in acrylic, born in 1974. Live in Belgrade, Serbia. Art has been a part of me for as long as I can remember. I attempt to share my appreciation for what I see and feel through my art. Creating art makes me feel safe, content and whole. It brings me peace. Like many artists, I get lost in my work. I become completely absorbed in how all of the lines of ink and paint flow together. I love how the elements within each piece intertwine with each other, just as human lives often do. I see beauty everywhere and in all things. I put so much into each piece that it is often hard to let go of them, but I know in my heart, they are not really mine. There is a force outside myself that guides my hand. When I let go and allow myself to be guided by this spirit, amazing things can happen in my art and in my life.