Silvia Danelutti

Silvia Danelutti

Sobre el Artista

Silvia Danelutti was born in Ravenna in 1970 and graduated at the Istituto Statale d'Arte per il Mosaico (Academy of Arts) G. Severini. In her workshop-studio she executes wall, floor as well as easel mosaics, both using the Byzantine technique typical of the Ravenna area and meeting the customer's requirements. Materials used: marble and vitreous pastes (called smalti), made in Venice with antique techniques. All operations are wholly manual, from material cutting, with hardie and marteline, to the creation of tesserae different from one another in a wide range of colour gradations. As a specialist in processing micro-tesserae and face outline finishing, she participated in the Fiera Emaia exhibition at Vittoria (Ragusa) for several years. She carried out some wall panels for the Isle of Lipari, commissioned by CIPRA of Rome. She exhibited her works in Ravenna, Catania, Vittoria, Abano Terme, Panarea, Vulcano and Patti. Her works can be seen in Italy and abroad. She collaborated with the workshop of artist Marco Bravura on the realisation of public works as: "Il tappeto sospeso" (Cervia 1997) "La fontana delle farfalle" conceived by Tonino Guerra (Sogliano al Rubicone 2003) "Fontana celebrativa per Romagna Acque" (Rimini 2003) "Ardea Purpurea" (Ravenna 2004) "Roto B"- Recuperi d'oro ( Biennale di Venezia 2008) "Golden River" (Salone del Mobile di Milano 2013) Silvia took part in a collective of contemporary mosaics - Les Rencontres Internationales des Mosaïque - Chartres 2008, 2010. Chartres - Prix Picassiette 2010 - 3rd classified Mosaics collective in St Eman Chapel, Chartres - March to May 2011. "Festival Internazionale di Mosaico Contemporaneo" October 8th to November 20th, 2011 e october 10th to November 8th 2015.