Natalia Ohar

Natalia Ohar

Sobre el Artista

International Award „LORENZO IL MAGNIFICO“ at the Florence Biennale 2017 in the category of Mixed Media. Art. Power. Hope. Art can tell. Art can unmask. Art can strengthen. And art can move. In this sense, Natalia Ohar, born in 1981 in the Ukraine, is working on a large-scale multimedia project. First, she tells her story through a complex collage. The PRESS MOSAIC image works on several levels: it combines the past and present realities in Ukraine. Moving images, animations, illustrations, music, language, graphics, calligraphy, and typography. All of these elements visualize an impressive story about the story through the means of art. The fabulous and playful external form is a strong contrast to its serious theme: This project tells the story of a young woman's resistance to the overpowering corrupt state - and is a sign of hope in these fleeting days of high-tech globalization. Resistance requires courage and perseverance. Just as the hope of a free, fair and strong Ukraine thrives, Natalia Ohar’s project is also growing.