Brandy Cattoor

Brandy Cattoor

Sobre el Artista

Born 1987 in Cedar City, Utah, Brandy Cattoor finds motivation in portraying simple everyday scenes. Her highly saturated and geometric work has been inspired by the Impressionist painters, along with artists such as Wayne Thiebaud, Charles Demuth, and Edward Hopper. Brandy graduated with a BFA in 2-Dimensional Studies from Brigham Young University Idaho in 2011. She primarily studied traditional art as a student. Although it was not until her senior show that she began painting colorful, geometric, urban scenery. The artist finds this to be the most rewarding form of painting because it elicits a higher standard of image making by forcing the artist to design. She says, "The word 'no' fuels me. Rejection forces me to improve and allows me the opportunity for invaluable growth." Various forms of art have been a source of enjoyment for Brandy. Aside from oil painting, her most recent explorations include book binding, papermaking, and graphic design. The working artist lives in Denver, Colorado with her daughter Christine and husband Adam.