Di Santo Luigi

Di Santo Luigi

Sobre el Artista

Curriculum Luigi Di Santo was born in Rome, Self educated, he has been cultivating his passion for painting many years. In his art he alternates naturalistic and symbolic languages. His subjects change from the human figure to the landscape, which he treats using a merge brush and a tendency towards a formal synthesis. Apart from these more “traditional” artworks, there are a series of works that have a holy subjects, such as the Annunciazione (i.e. Annunciation) and the Sacra Famiglia (i.e the Holy Family), in which Luigi Di Santo uses monochromatic backgrounds and the characters are conveyed through musical notes with an almost invisible hints of anthropomorphism. Within a light golden halo it is possible to see the musical note turning into the Virgin Mary. The artist seems to invite us to understand the music of the creation and of its creator (Stefania Severi, historian and art critic, in the occasion of the collective exhibition “Confront/Art’10”, at the Artists’ Church).[1] Exhibitions: January 2017 - collective "Hug Art" at the Great Mosque of Rome (first time in Italy and in the world; January 2017 - collective "The time of waiting" at Gallery La Vaccarella; December 2016 - collective "Christmas metropolitan" at Gallery Lancellotti; November 2016 - donation copies paintings sacred number to the church of St Corbinian; September 2016 - Collective "views" at VaticanArtRooms, http://www.vaticanartrooms.it/panotami; July 2016 - Collective "Roman summer" at Gallery Simmi; June 2016 - Collective "The hidden side of the soul" at Cultural Association "Arte Spazio La Vaccarella"; April 2016 - Collective "Fantasy" at Pellicone-Fijlkam's Museum Ostia(Rome); April 2016 - Collective "Infinity" at Cultural Association "Arte Spazio La Vaccarella"; April 2016 - Collective "Art in Light" at the Laboratory Museum of Contemporary Art, University Sapienza; February 2016 - painting Donation "Born under the sign of Pisces" the Cultural Association Hermes 2000 at the octogenarian and in memory of the poet Gabriella Valli, at the Museum Crocetti; January 2016 - collective at Cultural association La Breche; December 2015 - personal "Identity" at Cultural Association ReadyMade; December 2015 - the collective "The Nativity" Church of the Archangel Gabriel; October 2015 - exhibition "My work IO" Gallery Simmi; September 2015 - XI Grand Prix City of Savona "Dedicated to Love"; August 2015 - collaboration which scientific illustrator in the international medical journal "International Journal of Ophthalmology"; July 2015 - exhibition "Abstract" at the Gallery Simmi; July 2015 - exhibition "Black and White" at the Gallery Simmi; June 2015 - the collective "Art Eros" at the gallery Spazio40 June 2015 - a collective "Rome in 100 square centimeters" Spazio40 to the gallery; May 2015 - the collective "Rome in 100 square centimeters" Spazio40 to the gallery; April-September 2015 - collective photo / painting FIJLKAM Museum of Ostia; March 2015 - exhibition in Hong Kong under the patronage of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Italian Consulate General in Hong Kong; March 2015 - Christopher Columbus Prize Competition and Exhibition of Contemporary Art, Galata Museo del Mare, Genoa - medal; March 2015 - Collective Art in Light "images and music" at the Museum of Classical Art Gallery of plaster casts; February 2015 - personal exhibition at the theater Vascello; January 2015 - the collective "Luck" at Spazio Y "Being superstitious is ignorant but not be bad luck" of E. De Filippo; December 2014 - "Bottles copyright" and personal pictorial event pro-Onlus AR.PA at the Association of Art gastronomic DOP & DOC Rome; December / January 2014/15 - collective "Christmas in the gallery" at the center of art "The cleat" in Rome; December 2014 - XIV edition of "Nativity" Milvian Bridge by the Cultural Hermes 2000; August 2015 - collaboration which scientific illustrator in the international medical journal "La Clinica Terapeutica"; October 2014 - participation in "The art looks ahead", organized by Terna, with the painting "Mona Lisa looks ahead"; October 2014 - participation in "Art in the Light: Images and Music" at Sapienza University of Rome in the Museum of the Rector; July 2014 - ex tempore painting at FIJLCAM Museum in Ostia; June 2014 - permanent exhibition of the painting "Nativity" at the Museum of the crib, Brancaccio Castle of St. Gregory by Sassola; May 2014 - mini personal exhibition of painting to Art & Cafè, Rome; May 2014 - personal exhibition of painting at Mangiarte Cultural association Il Varco; May 2014 - IVth edition painting competition "Mimmo canonica" at Colle Fiorito Guidonia-Montecelio (Rome); May 2014 - personal exhibition of painting at the Art-Cafe "Mammamia" Fonte Nuova (Rome); April 2014 - personal "Colours in Spring ... waiting for the Summer" at the Cultural Center Gabriella Ferri; April 2014 - selected for the exhibition "Tutti i colori dell'acqua", "All the colors of the water" at the Museum FIJLKAM Ostia (Rome) with "Echoes"; April 2014 - traveling exhibition "Il primato della libertà espressiva nell'era della globalizzazione""The primacy of freedom of expression in the age of globalization" Monumental Complex of the Quirinal Dioscuri - Rome Cultural association for Cassiopeia; March 2014 - international collective of Contemporary Art "The Art of the contradictions: Love-Hate" at Sinergy Art; March 2014 - participation in the artistic project on femicide "This is not love" by M. Carlini at the Cultural association Ready Made; February 2014 - personal "I, myself, personally" at the Cultural Association Ready Made"; February 2014 - group exibition "together to start again ..." Cultural Association Cassiopeia; December 2013 - "The Nativity" and XIII. collective at the theater of the Parish s. Giuliano Martire, Rome; December 2013 - group exhibition "Art in the Light" at the Sapienza University of Rome in the Museum of the Rector; November 2013 - group exhibition "Within the confines of the contemporary" Exhibition of Contemporary Art Cultural Association Cassiopeia; October 2013 - Gala of Contemporary Arts; Museum Gallery "L'agostiniana" edited by D. Radini Tedeschi. Inaugurate R. Balestra, A. Parietti with the participation of B. Bouchet and S. Rome(see attachments); September 2013 - exhibition tribute of the painting [Era l'Eden, poi ...] "Was the Eden, then ..." Congress Centre Frentani in Thyroid Cancer Forum; Oscar Wilde said: "Only art knows the secret of life"; August 2013 - a collective exhibition in Capri Island's Gallery at in Museum Foundation I. Cerio, Capri's Island [A]; June 2013 - XXXI contest "PremioCittà di Assisi" to Assisi for 50&plus Cultural Association; June 2013 - traveling exhibition "Il primato della libertà espressiva nell'era della globalizzazione" - "The supremacy of freedom 'expressive in the Era of globalizzazion" in the Museum L. Bellini - Florence (Italy), for Cultural Association "Cassiopea"; March 2013 - Finalist "Premio della Lupa" with the painting "Sogno infranto", Palazzo Pontificio Maffei-Marescotti for Cultural Association "Rosa dei Venti"; January 2013- a collective exhibition “Omaggio a Caravaggio tra epifanie ed epifenomeni” - “Tribute to Caravaggio between epiphanies and epiphenomena”- in the Museum V. Crocetti for the cultural association “Rosa dei venti”; December 2012- “the Nativity”, a collective exhibition in the Ciack Village theatre; December 2012- a collective exhibition “Commistioni d'Arte: il primato della libertà espressiva nell'era della globalizzazione”- “Unions of Art: the primacy of the freedom of expression in the age of globalization”- for the cultural association Cassiopea. November 2012- “Grande Expò alla Sapienza”, a great exhibition hosted in the museum of the University of Rome La Sapienza; October 2012- he competed in the contest “Arte in luce”- at the University of Rome La Sapienza, in the museum of contemporary art; September 2012- Exhibition in the Domus Talenti (awarded with “Le Quattro Fenici 2012”); June 2012- he collaborated with the international medical magazine “La clinica terapeutica” as scientific illustrator; March 2012- “Festa di Primavera” - “Springtime feast”: exhibition of the painting “Verso Sud” for the cultural association Cassiopea. Poetry and narrative reading organized by the non-profit organization AR.PA , followed by the charity sale of easter eggs to fundraise money in favor of the non-profit association AACA, that is interested in helping the ragged children of Recife, Brazil; March 2012- exhibition and charity sale of the painting “Verso Sud” to contribute to the distance supporting activities of the cultural association MAIS; January 2012 – exhibition at the art gallery “La Pigna”; December 2011- exhibition at the cultural center of the Italian Bank, in the occurrence of the bicentenary of the birth of the musician F. Liszt; December 2011- collective exhibition “Le tre esse: Simboli, Segni e Sogni” at the cultural association Cassiopea; December 2011- collective exhibition “The Nativity 2011” at the Torretta Valadier in the neighborhood of Ponte Milvio; December 2011- exhibition in the museum V. Crocetti, during the Christmas event “The Nativity”, with the participation in press release of the sisters Molinari ( Hermes Association) and of the Member of the Parliament Olimpia Tarzia in tribute and memory of the inauguration of the museum V. Crocetti with the work "The Nativity"; December 2011- exhibition of the painting “150 anni uniti” (in occasion of the 150th anniversary of the Italian Unification) for the cultural association Voce Romana. Publication of the interview released to the Director of the Magazine Voce Romana, the professor G. Carpaneto, in July- August 2008; December 2011- charity event in favor of D.E.A ( Policlinico Umberto I Hospital ) in the Church Sacro Cuore di Gesù; November 2011 – mini-exhibition “Il Sacro e il Profano nell'arte”-“The Sacred and the profane in art”, at the cultural association “Cassiopea”. June 2011 – “Medusa Aurea” Trophy – XXXIV Edition. March 2011 – “Arbor day e gli alberi italici” at the Library of the Rodari Institute of Rome”. February 2011 – collective exhibition at the Consorti Gallery in Via Margutta. January 2011 – collective exhibition at the Four Points Sheraton Hotel for the cultural association “Rosa dei Venti”. December and February 2010 – personal exhibition at the Cultural Association “Quattrocose”. December 2010 – collective exhibition “La Natività 2010”- “The Nativity 2010”- for the cultural association “Hermes” at the Torretta Valadier in the neighborhood of the Ponte Milvio . October 2010 – Chiesa degli Artisti (Artists’ Church)– Collective exhibition “Confront/Art’10”. June 2010 – collective exhibition at the Casa Muri Villa for the Cultural Association and NPO Cooperative – Fonte Nuova, Rome. April 2010 – exhibition in the SS. Angels Church of Collefiorito. April 2009 - participation as a costume designer in the show "Momenti di cura" [Moments of care] of Lubka Cibulova to Theatre One. March 2009 – collective exhibition in the art gallery of the Cultural Association “Cassiopea”. December 2008 – exhibition “100 Presepi” (100 Nativity Scenes) in the Hall of Bramante. May 2008 – exhibition at the Atelier Umberto d’Arceto. April 2008 – collective exhibition at the PentArt Gallery in Trastevere. March 2008 - The painting "La Madonna del Sol" is the logo of the "Symposium on pedophilia: what to do to prevent", Academy Lancisiana; December 2007 – exhibition in the Church of Santa Dorotea in Rome. May 2007 – First personal art exhibition at the cultural Center “Baobab” for the NPO “AR.PA”. His paintings are already well-known and appreciated in Italy (Milan, L’Aquila, Cagliari, Capri…) and beyond the Alps, in England, Brazil, Egypt, and so on. Recently some of its sacred paintings have been permanently donated to the Sanctuary of the Divino Amore trough Alfredo Paglione, a well-known art collector. The painting “Verso Sud” was donated to the association for social promotion Il fiore del deserto, from the non-profit organization MAIS. He has actively participated to others cultural and artistic initiatives, such as the realization of the covers for the Album “Vorrei” - “I Wish”- and for the poetry collection “Poesie sotto l’albero”.- “Poetries underneath the three”. He works as a scientific illustrator, in the university, in national and international publications on rivise. He has also created unique jewelry, such as gold and printmaker, each represent a unique handmade creation; He received numerous awards including: 1st prize "Art in the Light" 2013, "The Embrace" Rome "Sapienza" University; 2nd prize "City of Assisi Butterfly Silver" with "Madonna del Sol", Assisi, 2013; 1st prize "It 's time to culture" with "Echoes", Rome 2009. [1] Stefania Severi is also a member of the Association Internationale des Critiques d'Art and the managing director of the magazine “Hat”. Publishing House Edilazio, “http://www.edilazio.com/autori.asp?action=readone&idautore=50” [A] Wing participated in shows with the work [SOGNO INFRANTO] BROKEN DREAM: "The great ideologies that have long served as the symbolic father to the man, such as: enlightenment, idealism, marxism, wkere dashed by making the individual orphan, without, that is, moral and ethical guidance, able to form its conscience . Di Santo seems to grasp deeply this fugitive father through a sublime metaphor so apt: the glass is at the same time, ideology and leadership, today, however, impossible in its nature and perfect the victim of a breach of a disfigurement. the cup, therefore, appears allegory of any broken will, of every longing for 'perfection influenced by external factors hostile and threatening. "