Giorgio Marogna

Giorgio Marogna

Sobre el Artista

Giorgio Marogna was born on 11 August 1966 in Verona He attended painting courses for 10 years at the C.E.A (art education center) of Verona with prof. Gianni Lollis After years of sporadic painting dictated by a not yet reached consciousness of his creative abilities and his main occupation, following an overwhelming event of his life, he began to devote himself full time to pictorial art, making his paintings sublimation of his moods and his vision of the most burning issues of current affairs The passage from one kind of painting to another is dictated solely by his eclectic spirit that pushes him to use a surrealism rather than an abstraction or an impressionism, depending on the message he wants to convey He has exhibited in France (Saint Mihiel-tourism) and in Italy (collective exhibition at the Accorsiarte aVenezia gallery on the occasion of the 2018 architecture biennial) His website dedicated to his works has been qualified in an international contest based in the USA "Circle Foundation Artist Award of the year 2017" among the one hundred artists of note and finalist to exhibit at the Specia of Miami 2018 CRITICS Giorgio's paintings with an abstract interpretation are those artistically perfect, because they are executed with the utmost respect for the pictorial discipline at the service of the original free expression, moreover the style is personal, that is not confused with other forms of painting present in other abstracts. I also saw one of his paintings, which is vividly chromatic, executed with a loose, almost gestural, but sure brushstroke. In the work "Desire of another reality", the deformation is desired, even the other surreal elements present in the work are correctly executed and inserted into a skilful artistic composition. The painting "View of the" walk "on a foggy night", is performed with technical mastery, the colors are significant in contrasting light darkness and distributed in fluency, when the brush shows no uncertainties, it is expressive and artistic. MARCO CAGNOLATI art critic ----------------  I love the color and power of your visual compositions. It was very nice to meet you. Keep painting! (I love the color and the power of your visual compositions.It was nice to meet you Keep on painting!)  Dan Carrel's piaintings USA Web site: WordPress: