Katia Mandelli Ghidini

Katia Mandelli Ghidini

Sobre el Artista

Self-taught, Katia approached photography at a young age. Her professional career kicked off in 1994, meeting already then with success and approval from the public. She went on to teach photography and, in 2007, she and her husband founded the MAKRO photo studio, specializing in reports as well as in weddings and other events.   Simultaneously with her professional activity, Katia began to explore alternative artistic pathways, something which led her to abstract photography. The Visiografika project was shown for the first time in 2011, although the research at the root of its creation dates back some time.   The Visiografika works are now exhibited in various galleries both in Switzerland and abroad and they are on display in Morcote’s 9m2 gallery, owned by the artist.   Katia carefully chooses her supports, all-important where it comes to emphasizing light and colour in her work. Best-quality recycled paper alternates with materic works, original works and reproductions on plexiglass, crystal and also on cardboard and recycled paper (hand-made by the artist).   Her photography research often ties in with cultural and charity projects. Katia is involved in environmental projects that have brought her various accolades, such as the faigirarelacultura award (in three consecutive years from 2014 to 2016). In 2016, she won – with flying colours – with the handicrafts game “Energia & Risparmio”, which looks to sensitize participants toward energy-saving and to protect the planet’s resources.   All of the artist’s work can be seen and touched at the 9m2 gallery in Morcote or at www.9m2.gallery Her personal site: www.visiografika.com