Elena Gastón Nicolás

Elena Gastón Nicolás

Sobre el Artista

Elena Gastón Nicolás Guardian of the planet. Multidimensional Artist, Ombudswoman of the Soul. I articulate my work around The Three Ways of Spiritual Wisdom: The Alchemical Way, the Priestly Way and the Way of the Warrior, which I learned through my spiritual journey. In my series Goodness, Truth and Beauty (Healing the Roots) I try to seek elemental beings: gnomes, sylphs, undines and salamanders. My art is dreamlike, expressionist, material and iconic - the fruit of my versatility. The lyrical and the dramatic, the cryptic and the explicit are all a part of my work. I conceive our planet, including the atmosphere, oceans and continents too, as a living organic unit; our ecosystem is the Universe. I am committed to painting with my whole heart, from the heart.