Christina Maifoshi

Christina Maifoshi

Sobre el Artista

Christina Maifoshi is a contemporary artist working mainly in oils and charcoal. Humans are always the subject in her work. Her work is expressed by portraits but also by drawing the environment of people. A combination of emotions, expressions, different worlds debouch messages that would like to induce and aware people. Christina Maifoshi graduated from Athens School of Fine Arts. She specialised in painting which she studied under the guidance of professor and acclaimed Greek artist Yiannis Psychopedis. Simultaneously she took classes of sculpture, etching and life drawing. Group exhibitions • “Engagement and Entrampent” at Loukia and Michael Zambelas Museum (2015) • “G.Vizinos. The road to Instanbul” Student Conference Mandoulides Schools (2015) • “Anasistasis - From Greece to Cyprus – Emerging visual artists” En Tipis (2014) • “Wagon Art – 12 visual expressions” Rouf’s Theatre (2013) • “12 Emerging Visual Artists” Melina Mercury Municipal Theatre (2013) • “Τhe artist wanted” New York competition; Artwork displayed on Times Square billboards (2012) • ”With asbestos and sea, images discussing Odysseus Elytis’s poetry” House of Cyprus (2011)