Muriel Hecquet

Muriel Hecquet

Sobre el Artista

Born and raised in Geneva, Switzerland. Paintings : Acrilyc on canvas Drawings : acrilyc and ink on paper Exhibitions : 2017 : Artraction, Lausanne, Switzerland 2017 : CMLO, Lausanne, Switzerland 2017 : IMD, International Institute for Management Development, Lausanne, Switzerland 2017 : Kress, Geneva, Switzerland 2017 : Onishi Project Gallery, New York, USA Contact : Muriel Hecquet My work tells about expressing the inner state, illustrate it with the choice of the colors, channelling and transmitting these energies in an authentic act. From the initial chaos emerges a fantasy world, animal, vegetable, multiple: the abstract becomes sometimes figurative despite everything, except the willingness of not producing any artificial result, but let the truth coming out, whatever are its shape and colors. Freedom nourishes creativity. In this area of free interpretation, the viewer sometimes recognizes something in the painting that speaks by symbols to his inner being. The energy felt by the artist, expressed on the canvas and received by the observer flows, whirls and twirls, in a cry or a whisper, a caress or a punch in the face. When the painting chat with the imagination of the viewers, the artwork makes perfect sense.