Sobre el Artista

Dann came into his own “artistically” after encountering the works of the French painter, Émile NOIROT, from his native region, the Roannais. He began combing the region’s museums to seek out works by the Impres-sionist master. As soon as he was able to, he purchased a “study” (oil on wood - 1902 Émile Noirot), a treasure he jealously guarded… In high school, it was Dann’s good fortune to take art with a teacher, the painter Coudour, with whom he would train his hand and eye. After high school, he began haunting a fine arts restoration studio, where he would “drink in” the scents of linseed oil and pigments… He went on to attend classes at the St Etienne School of Fine Arts… Before working and training with the painter, Maurice Steinbach, some of whose works can be seen in the museums of northeastern France … Impressionist Abstraction… “Dann’s work is marked by an open stylistic approach, by a form of abstraction combining landscape painting and impressionism, a subtle and ambivalent expression mirroring the fleeting and poetic reality of the world in uniquely interpretative esthetic terms… The works of Daniel Aubert (known as “Dann”) push the borders of painting to explore a form of landscape-impressionism abstraction: an ingenious play of rational and original color; a subtle palette of thick layers of paint, of brushstrokes in micro-relief; a strong sense of composition, architecture, meaning and symbolism, of subject matter, painting motif and titles… All of these painterly qualities confirm Dann’s ability to become a contemporary master.” Antoine ANTOLINI Art psychologist - EDCM-EUROPE Publishing