Sobre el Artista

I was born in Cuxhaven in 1963and made the first steps to publish my works in 2013.My great-aunt Toni Hinck has always been important for me.In 1929 as a single woman she decided to take her suitcase filled with courage,confidence and power to go to America.It was a journey into a uncertain future which she startedwith the firm belief that everything in life would make a good sense.She made me have a closer look at everything. That is important for painting and even more so dealing with things we are accustomed to.Therefor I adopted her name as an artist's name and have the suitcase as a symbol for a new start and power in my logo. I cannot imagine a life without colours.The blue of the sky,the brigt yellow of a lemon and the red of a geranium make me do what finally be seen in my paintings which I often start without a clear intention. I am following my intuition and let paintings come into exsistance the way Picasso expressed when he said: "A painting is not imagined and determined before the start.While yyou work on it,it changes the same way as your thoughts.And when it is done,it will continue to change according to the mood of the observer..."That is what art is about.Art must come from the inside and touch the soul.I do not have to explain my paintings.Paintings do not need an interpretation just like thr songs of birds need no interpretation.I don't want to be an artist to begin with,I just want to be happy.