Fotini Pappa

Fotini Pappa

Sobre el Artista

Curiculum vitae My name is Fotini Pappa and I live in Athens, Greece. Painting for me is like poetry, a need of expression, a way to share my feelings and I am pursuing it intensively since 1997 as self-taught. A great piece of my work concerns projects inspired by poems. I mainly use acrylics, water colors and mostly pencil which I particularly love. My favorite painting subjects are flowers and women. The last 5 years I have participated in numerous art shows. My first participation in an exhibition was in December 2013, in Athens, by winning in a competition organized by Energy Athens of European Center of Art. Furthermore, I have participated in four individual exhibitions and have been taking part in numerous group shows. My last participation was in the international show of The Artbox.Project Basel 1.0, in June 2017. Finally, some of my paintings have been covers in poetry books and some of them have won International awards in international web competitions.