by william bonilla palacio

Artwork Description


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The start point in my work is the human language and its manifestations in diverse historical contexts. Since the first phonetic values, their interpretations and graphic expressions, came to existence, a wide diversity of styles and shapes on several materials have set the trail of human communication by which knowledge, culture and idiosyncrasy of different peoples have been passed on. The expression of ideas, principles, values, life style and spirituality, have been and will always be inherent to the existence of mankind. So, it is in writing where a common genesis can be more precisely perceived, regardless of the great ethnologic differences among men. The use of ideograms, alphabets, abjads, syllabarys, alphasyllabaries and other symbols in the common space of my work, invites to the consideration on the possible conceptual, sonority and expression similarities, in the quest for an original language that conceptually connects us all as individuals. It´s an exercise on the form of the language and on the language per se; an analysis of our ancestral connection and the manifestations of such bond in my very own social reality. I am an heir of each historic branch of writing; of the graphic idea of each sound (a work of art itself), its uses and concepts. I am, therefore, a debtor: a voice that, from the everyday chores, invites not to a passive contemplation, but to the persistence in looking, in this path of regresses, for an indication that lead us into the future; for a purpose.

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